Summer 2021~

In 1-month Tekoa Learning Centers will complete 3 whole school years working in Monterrey, Mexico! It never ceases to amaze me the amount of time I’ve been living abroad, and all that God has done at Tekoa!

Throughout this very unique year of classes, we’ve been able to serve and connect with our families like never before! We’ve been able to celebrate family member birthdays and holidays along with taking field trips together. If it wasn’t for COVID-19 we would have never been able to spend this type of time together! In Mexico we are still unsure of what classes will look like next year, but either way, we know that Tekoa will be able to make a huge impact!

After classes end at the end of June, I will be headed back to Omaha. It has been a while since I’ve been able to sit down and chat with you all in person! I’m excited to meet and catch up with you all (respecting your COVID-19/health desires)! I’m also very excited to share all that God has done at Tekoa! I’ll be available the month of July- please connect with me so we can set up a time to meet!

Myhiah Dotzler

P.S. Thank you for all the birthday love! My 30th year is looking good 🙂

One final note- for those who have been keeping up with me over the past month, you know that a lot of family things have happened. I want to publicly thank those who reached out to me and my family. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers! Although it was a very difficult month, there is no doubt in my mind of God’s faithfulness and the mercy he showed my family! My faith in God continues to get stronger amongst the trials and because of the amazing prayer warriors and friends I have by my side! 

Who We Are- Tekoa

The who and why behind Tekoa & a real look into some of our students, their families and our staff!

Thank you to the many people who believe in Tekoa! Your love and support is impacting many families with children with disabilities!

Also, huge shout out to NuVision Creatives. We are thankful for their partnership! This video is all thanks to them and their amazing team!

IG: tekoa_learning_centers

Facebook: Tekoa Learning Centers